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Learn about remote work, read first about new platform updates and stay in the loop with remote work news. Strong views on remote work, management and company culture.

Using archives to back up and restore a MongoDB database

Database backups are important. Data loss is a frequent issue and a frequently overlooked item when migrating servers, changing technologies or upgrading libraries. Until it happens. We recently added the ability for companies and professionals to create accounts on the platform and struggled ourselves with backing up our database and now we are sharing what we learned with you.

Taking a look at 2019 🎉 + 🙏 + 🙃

I started this project, by myself, back in April. I managed to get a working version in about 3 weeks. The reaction to the original version was amazing. A lot of people chimed in, helped with feedback and professional advice. I've had designers, product people, project managers share their thoughts about WeRemote. This is one of the reasons WeRemote.eu exists.

Build half a product, not a half-assed product

Working in corporate taught us that products should be launched feature-complete, zero-bugs, sound architecture, scalability in place and with all the bells and whistles. This was also my thinking until I read "Remote: Office Not Required" and "Rework" by the duo behind Basecamp — David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried. It’s in one of these books, where I first encountered the expression “build half a product, not a half-assed product”.

Why businesses with single technical founders fail

As techies, we’re accustomed to writing neat code, respecting best practices, following guidelines and asking for clear requirements each and every time. But this shines a bad light on us when we try to go the entrepreneurial route. It doesn’t matter if we’re building the next <insert-social-media-network-name> or that we’re building Uber but for <insert-weird-made-up-industry-name>, it has to be perfect. If possible, it has to be even better than the thing we’re cloning. We all know those developers from Facebook store their passwords in plain text… we’re going to encrypt everything thrice! What all of this does is kill “done” and “good enough”. And more often than not, good enough is all we need to validate a market, to see if there’s potential, or to serve that market directly.

What are the most difficult things about working remotely?

Working remotely is amazing but it also comes with its challenges. Just like I read in a book, a while back, "solutions don't exist, only tradeoffs". Remote work is also a tradeoff. Just like when you're migrating from a monolith to a microservices architecture (software architecture), you're actually trading off system reliance (monolith) for network reliance (microservices). This article outlines a couple of the most difficult things about working remotely and provides a couple of points on how to mitigate these drawbacks.